RNA helicases

RNA helicasesRNA helicases
  1. One of the possible ways to control malaria could be to discover inhibitors specific for the essential enzymes of malaria parasite like DNA / RNA helicases .


  2. The ATP dependent RNA helicases of the DEAD box family , involved in almost every cellular process of RNA metabolism , play many essential roles during cell development and growth in almost all organisms .


  3. VASA protein is a member of the DEAD ( Asp-Glu-Alu-Asp ) box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases and initially found as a component of germ plasm in Drosophila .


  4. Malaria still remains a major health problem in many parts of the world . One of the possible ways to control malaria could be to discover inhibitors specific for the essential enzymes of malaria parasite like DNA / RNA helicases .


  5. RNA helicases Retinoic acid induced gene-I ( RIG - ⅰ) is a newly discovered pattern recognition receptor ( PRR ), acting as a cytoplasmic dsRNA receptor and inducer of IFN production , to activate antiviral immune responses .


  6. The DEAD-box RNA helicases is a big ATP-dependent RNA helicases family , which originates from a wide range of organisms ranging from prokaryotes , including viruses , to eukaryotes such as yeast , plants and animals .
